Southern Yankees (35+ Division) vs Boca Mets (35+ Division)
Visitor vs Home TeamOfficial Score
Southern Yankees (35+ Division)
Boca Mets (35+ Division)

by Southern Yankees (35+ Division)

more to follow.....Is it possible to feel a strong connection when experiencing something for the first time? Is there a phychological explanation when one feels the familiararity feeling when they first share a moment? You know the HOT BLOODED rush you feel when you meet someone for the first time and it felt like you'd known them forever?. The anthesis of COLD AS ICE'' like when you meet the self absorbed narcissist. Perhaps it was that perfect vacation spot you and your significant other went on that checked all the boxes. Or the job you landed where your co-workers and boss made you feel right at home. Many of us have experienced that feeling when we find that fabulous Italian restaurant where the pasta is always al-dente and the pizza is always off the charts?! Does Stallone's Italian Kitchen or Pizzeria Sophia ring a bell?. Well speaking of URGENT' the Southern Yankees finally answered the Micheal Buffer bell after two unexpected defeats in previous weeks. But before we pontificate about the game lets get you up to snuff & old school nostalgic about the hit song FEELS LIKE THE FIRST TIME'. And the band that sent out a dozen hit singles that many of you probably know and a few mentioned already and continuing on in this color commentary. The tasteful high energy song was the first of the bands many hits in the late 70s and 80s. The debut single was FEELS LIKE THE FIRST TIME' by the British-American band Foreigner. It was written by Mick Jones and was released on the bands debut album which was quite popular at the time. Lou Grammatico is still belting out the lead vocals to the delight of crowds everywhere and the group just finished touring in Plant City at the Strawberry Fest last week even though many of the band members were a LONG LONG WAY FROM HOME'. Getting back to the game the Boca Mets usually flawless infield had a BLUE MORNING &BLUE DAY as many hard hit rollers had the Mets seeing 'DOUBLE VISION' and gifting the Yankees extra outs. We know ourselves as we played HEAD GAMES' that way in our first two games and it usually is a recipe for disaster . For full effect play any of the in cap tunes on your computer and open up this commentary in another window while reading it. SAY YOU WILL! ! Bobby Stallone returned again to the mound for his longest outing and was superb. He put on a pitching and fielding clinic and singlehandedly won the game for the Southern Yankees. Reidy Olivo led the Southern Yankees with a big bases clearing shot over the center fielders head which broke the game open. Angel Medina also clobbered a ball in the gap which was a delight to the Southern Yankees bench who enjoyed all the ribbing and camaraderie throughout the game. The Southern Yankees take on the much improved South Florida Angels this coming Sunday morning at beautiful meticulous Sabal Pines Park. Hope you all enjoyed the history and recap and your comments and feedback are always appreciated and welcomed. You think its easy tying all this together? To all our female viewers out there you know we are WAITING FOR A GIRL LIKE YOU' Enough said! -Thank you for your time this time until next and keeping with tradition for the 20th + straight season the Southern Yankees recognize all the players in the South Florida Baseball League. We implore you to Stay Thirsty My Friends! .... submitted by Ray Asmar Player/Manager Southern Yankees

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