Boca Mets (35+ Division) vs Southern Yankees (35+ Division)
Visitor vs Home TeamOfficial Score
Boca Mets (35+ Division)
Southern Yankees (35+ Division)

AND DOWN THE STRETCH THEY COME! by Southern Yankees (35+ Division) With the fun and exciting Kentucky Derby approaching NEXT coming weekend everyone will be watching 20 horses coming down the stretch looking for the finish line . Well the Southern Yankees are looking like a team to be reckoned with down the stretch in the upcoming playoffs. They reeled off their FIFTH victory in their last 6 games after an 0 and 2 ugly start to the season. They coasted 22-10 over the classy Boca Mets Bobby Stallone was the pitching star winning yet another game. Reidy Olivo led the attack with 2 triples and a bomb of a home run. Sam Bartoletta smacked 4 hits and Alex Caceres,Steve Sandman & Bobby STALLONE had 3 EACH to lead the balanced Yankee attack. If you could eat pizza and pasta every day your stomach would be very happy and so would you. With that in mind the Southern Yankees look to hold their yearly traditional team party after one upcoming game in May and feast on some fabulous Italian food . The pizza meatballs and salads will be as I say like to say off the charts. It always is a great time with lots of razzing and camaraderie that the players enjoy. We police ourselves and no player gets a hall pass even the ALL STARS. IT IS ALWAYS A TRULY MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE AND special to all the players who attend. Usually every color commentary I write something interesting and of course funny with lots of music themes and correlations, but after the last few weeks edition I'm not sure if that, as many of you 'noted'- musical masterpiece -can ever be topped. If you missed them click on scores and click on Southern YANKEES & you can read any of the past weeks or previous seasons commentaries that you will find most entertaining. So this week the focus will be on something much more serious than a baseball game. In the grand scheme of things a ball game is fun but not a real life dilemma like cancer brings us. The focus this week is on a childrens cancer charity that I have attended many times for over two decades. Nicks Kids & the Chiera Foundation put on a magnificent charity event every Spring in late April or early May & usually right around the Derby. The family loves horses especially ones in the winners circle. The charity focus is for young kids with cancer. The foundation is in its 25th year of helping kids and young adults who are battling this horrible disease. 100% of the funds raised help kids battling cancer attend a summer camp and college. The foundation has send over 2 dozen young adults who have beaten cancer to college. That itself is amazing. NICKS camp stands for Nothing is Impossible for Cancer Kids. That is a real life dilemma and the money raised by this charity as noted allows these kids to attend camp in in Central Florida and puts a big smile on their faces. THAT is REAL significant and important. As the players in the SFBL AND YOU THE READER get any bad games out of their system so do these beautiful kids who hope to do the same with the cancer. With love and prayers along with encouragement and faith these kids have the opportunity to get on the road to a happy normal life. The charity again sends many cancer kids to camp and after you hear many of them speak in the past and this coming Sunday afternoon I am sure their won't be a dry eye in the packed venue if we are all able to attend. The children on stage many of which are from age 10-15 say that the camp is always magical and it changed their lives and attitudes. Hundreds of kids get sent to camp and the charity provides scholarships for young adults affected by Cancer. DO YOU GET THE PICTURE ? THAT's what this writer is always trying to convey to you the reader each and every color commentary. Inspire you and motivate you so you realize despite any obstacles in your path that you have to fight persevere and have an enthusiastic outlook. If you THINK you can, YOU CAN! - remember that. The teaching , message & symbolism here is this.... To learn that nothing in life or on the baseball diamond should be taken for granted. NOTHING!! Remember The wheel of life is always turning and soon it will turn in your direction. Never lose you passion or zest for life . Resolve in the future NEVER to mail it in because your effort and attitude, will always determine your altitude. Once again passion and enthusiasm will always translate into a more fun experience that people will remember most. That is what this writer tries to convey to you the reader each and every week. This years charity event takes place this Sunday April 28th after our game at 430 pm at beautiful BROKEN SOUND COUNTRY CLUB in Boca Raton. It is always an incredible turnout and its for a great cause. This weeks color commentary wasn't as witty and clever as some of the past but you get an eclectic mixture here every week. And honestly we all have to be serious sometimes and we have to change it up once in a while & keep it interesting! Writing all this takes an incredible amount of time and as much as I enjoy it, the scribe isn't as easy as you may think. Lots going on this past week with more continued gaslighting by the mainstream news outlets and you know the markets have been quite volatile each and every day. In addition I have had family in town for a big weekend wedding tomorrow night with all the relatives already flown in. So hate to give you any excuses for the delayed color commentary but you know I do my best work late at night where we can zero in and reach all of you. The focus is always to send an uplifting and symbolic message your way. We have the Kentucky Derby coming next week and will put out our annual prognostication & Run for the roses commentary on the big race in the next edition of the color commentary. The Southern Yankees are coming down the stretch with an eye on the playoffs. We face the undefeated Broward Marlins this Sunday in Ft Lauderdale and this will be a very competitive contest as our earlier meeting was decided in the very last inning. Either way it will be a good test again for our squad. In closing - Your feedback and commentaries are always appreciated by this writer and thank you for taking the time to read the message. I hope as always that you get the meaning & theme being conveyed your way. Enough said- THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME THIS TIME UNTIL NEXT AND ALWAYS REMEMBER TO STAY THIRSTY MY FRIENDS! submitted by Ray Asmar Player/Manager Southern Yankees Baseball Club

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