Kendall Metz (35+ Division) vs Southern Yankees (35+ Division)
Visitor vs Home TeamOfficial Score
Kendall Metz (35+ Division)
Southern Yankees (35+ Division)

by Southern Yankees (35+ Division)

More to follow…..We all have diversions, hobbies and sometimes bad habits that get our minds off this upside down world we live in now. You know what I'm talking about so throw the book out the window and live your life with no regrets as it can change in the blink of an eye. What if you were on that legendary Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore when the full steam ahead barge crashed directly into the anchor support pillar. I have been across that bridge while in college nearby in Maryland and this was no coincidence. Think that was an accident right? Then why was their black smoke coming out of the hull just seconds before the barge took a turn and hit the stress point in the bridge perfectly and taking it down? That exhaust indicates the barge wasn't drifting but was it at full throttle . The ship deliberately VEERED to the right perhaps the rudder was altered to cause it to veer squarely into the most vulnerable load bearing pylons or stress point of the bridge and possibly causing sabotage. Lots of unanswered questions and you will find out in time that there is more to the story even a possible hack in the ships logistics. . Perhaps you should view the video on Brighteon and form your own opinions as yet another supply route gets taken down. The edition came out yesterday 3/27 and you can view it around the 13 minute mark of the broadcast and the 32 minute mark to see video of the ship turning with smoke billowing out from above. So decide for yourself if this was an attack. Keep listening to the mainstream gas-lighting news or stop imitating a sheep and think for yourself as to what is really going on. Like Beyoncé sings in her sure to be hit Texas hold ‘em “it’s a real life hoedown “. Where am I going with this? This was symbolic hit to the American people much like all the liberties that have been taken away in New York. Its just another reason to as WE always tell you RIGHT HERE to live your life and throw the book out the window. Take your cuts and chase your dreams before that opportunity is no longer available. Time is a thief and life is so brief so step up to the window and send it in. Many of you or should I say most of us need to let loose whether its working out, eating, drinking, shopping, pursuing what interests us or maybe binge watching on your large screen TV. Speaking of television some of you may be glued to BRAVO or really getting off the tracks with Lifetime Movie Network. Their latest guilty pleasure revolves on movies where everything that looks good and attractive turns out to be deceptive and psycho and I don't mean the Alfred Hitchcock type. That is reserved for one of his best suspense-thriller movies ever- the classic called- THE BIRDS. You must have seen it a few times and if you haven't you should. The movie centers around a small coastal California town that is unexpectedly attacked by aggressive birds. Research showed that diatom poisoning of anchovies eaten by the birds led to their aggressiveness. Now getting back to the TV here we go. You may have seen a movie on that network before where the good looking handyman neighbor who seems nice turns out to be a stalker. Or the gorgeous blond nanny from overseas that you hire for your beautiful young children wants to kill you and move in the house with the ready made family. Ya that's their lunatic game plan as you can figure out quickly. They are all entertaining and get you thinking even as far fetched as they can be. Others are real life TRUE stories of things that can or will go wrong. Or to tie the grabber line in- they turn into real life breakdowns. And since were now almost done with March visits to Florida they can be called Spring Break-Downs. Well on a beautiful crisp 75 degree sunny day at the ballpark the the Kendall Metz did just that. They are a gritty talented bunch of hitters and usually all of our games with them always turn into pinball type contests. The Metz struck first in the opening frame scoring 3 runs on some timely hitting and before the Southern Yankees came to bat . The Yankees were looking for some sun block from the onslaught to begin the game. But this team is quite resilient and veteran and we have seen this script before as we have played together for two decades. Lots of teaching goes on in that dugout and on the fields by our kangaroo court so we weren't rattled too much. And it definitely got everyone's attention that this wasn't going to be easy. The Yankees struck and scratched back into the game scoring 5 runs in the second frame and were back in the game. Bobby Stallone settled down and was once again masterful on the mound with his third straight win. He kept the hot Metz bats in relative check and they never scored again. The Yankees scored eight more runs midgame as some defensive breakdowns by the opponents allowed their early lead to quickly evaporate. The Southern Yankees cruised the rest of the way to a 13-3 victory. Reidy Olivo pitched two innings to close it out and struck out 5 of the six batters he faced and preserved the victory for starter Bobby Stallone. Hats off to the Kendall Metz as they are good hitters and battled the entire game despite some defensive breakdowns. We have been there before as a team too, believe me! On offense, the Southern Yankees were led by Bobby Esposito who slammed 3 hits and the ageless Vinny Zarella & Steve Sandman who stroked 2 sharp hits each . In addition, the camaraderie and laughter has been nonstop in the Yankees dugout and no player is spared. We all love to play the game and the passion shows when we put the Southern Yankees uniforms on. That's all for today so you can have some TV diversions to view. So next time you need to get stimulated go out and do something that is fun that makes you happy. Or tune in on a lifetime Spring Breakdown movie and watch with amazement as everything becomes zany, scary & unexpected but at the same time gets you thinking about life. ENOUGH for today as its time for your guilty pleasure so have fun with it. So park your Lexus and stick around round, round like the fabulous Beyonce song says . Wishing all the players, wives, girlfriends and family of the SOUTH FLORIDA BASE LEAGUE ALONG WITH ALL OF YOU AVID READERS A VERY HAPPY EASTER. ENJOY THIS TIME WITH YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES ESPECIALLY DURING THIS HOLY BLESSED WEEKEND. You life will be on the RISE also soon and we will get thru this difficult unsettled period together. Thank you for your time this time until next- and ALWAYS remember to Stay Thirsty my friends! submitted by Ray Asmar Player/Manager Southern Yankees Baseball Club

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