South Florida Sting Rays (18+ Division) vs Broward Pirates (18+ Division)
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South Florida Sting Rays (18+ Division)
Broward Pirates (18+ Division)

Team Effort
by South Florida Sting Rays (18+ Division)

The Stingrays are taking home the W. Stingers playing the Broward Pirates on a cool Sunday morning and first time playing at Coral Springs High school. The field was pretty nice to play on. With the possibility of rain the game went pretty well up until the top of 9th inning then the rain hit ending the game. Both teams played a great game and the Stingers hand out the Big Sting with some great hitting wich included 3 HR's by Mike LaManna. Over all a Great Win with a complete TEAM EFFORT.

Rough Start
by Broward Pirates (18+ Division)

0-3 start to the season, looking to turn it around next game.

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